Tag Archives: Brian Solomon

Episode 32: Ross Hart

Hello, wrestling fans! It’s time for Episode #32 of Shut Up and Wrestle, with Brian R. Solomon!

This week, my guest is Ross Hart of the legendary Hart wrestling family!

Ross is a fountain of wrestling knowledge, and we spent so much time talking about so much history, including Stampede Wrestling and the WWF takeover, the early days of Stu Hart, and of course, the exploits of Ross’ brothers Bret and Owen!

It’s a trip to the snowy wilds of Calgary this week on Shut Up and Wrestle!

Shut Up and Wrestle is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.

Episode 31: Aaron Feigenbaum

Hello, wrestling fans! It’s time for Episode #31 of Shut Up and Wrestle, with Brian R. Solomon!

This week, my guest is former WWE magazine writer and editor Aaron Feigenbaum, aka Aaron Williams!

Aaron and I shared a workspace in the WWE publications department cracking each other up for four glorious years, and this week we pick up right where left off!

From getting chewed out by Stone Cold, to getting medical advice from Kurt Angle, to the infamous gay Brock Lesnar angle, to the nWo pissing in a parking lot, the memories flow like wine!

Shut Up and Wrestle is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.

Episode 30: Kevin Sullivan

Hello, wrestling fans! It’s time for Episode #30 of Shut Up and Wrestle, with Brian R. Solomon!

This week, my guest for the 30th episode is the legendary Taskmaster himself, the Prince of Darkness, Kevin Sullivan!

I was honored to get a chance to speak to a true icon of the ’70s/’80s/’90s about his early years in the WWWF, his relationship with The Sheik, and a whole lot more!

We climb the steps of Kilimanjaro this week on Shut Up and Wrestle!

Shut Up and Wrestle is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.

Episode 29: Tom Burke

Hello, wrestling fans! It’s time for Episode #29 of Shut Up and Wrestle, with Brian R. Solomon!

This week, my guest is esteemed historian, collector and lifelong wrestling fan, Tom Burke!

Tom has been collecting memorabilia since the early ’60s, and has been a fan even longer! He was a personal friend of Killer Kowalski and many others, and a major force in the early years of the wrestling fan community.

Take a trip down memory lane in the museum of the wrestling professor himself!

Shut Up and Wrestle is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.

Episode 28: Greg Oliver

Hello, wrestling fans! It’s time for Episode #28 of Shut Up and Wrestle, with Brian R. Solomon!

This week, my guest is prolific author and the man behind Slam Wrestling, Greg Oliver!

We chat about Greg’s many books, Canadian wrestling, working with Madusa, and a whole lot more!

Wrestling authors unite, this week on Shut Up and Wrestle!

Shut Up and Wrestle is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.

Episode 27: Scott Teal

Hello, wrestling fans! It’s time for Episode #27 of Shut Up and Wrestle, with Brian R. Solomon!

This week, my guest is noted wrestling historian, publisher, author and photographer, Scott Teal!

Scott is probably familiar to many listeners as the man behind Crowbar Press. Plus, he shared his many reminiscences of being around the Gulas territory and office in Tennessee back in the day!

Buckle up for some truly memorable old school talk this week on Shut Up and Wrestle!

Shut Up and Wrestle is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.

Episode 26: Kari Williams

Hello, wrestling fans! It’s time for Episode #26 of Shut Up and Wrestle, with Brian R. Solomon!

This week, my guest is longtime wrestling reporter and Slam Wrestling contributor Kari Williams!

Kari was kind enough to share her experiences as a writer, the deep interest she took in the history of St. Louis wrestling, and the friendship she enjoyed with Larry Matysik!

It’s a meeting of wrestling scribes this week on Shut Up and Wrestle!

Shut Up and Wrestle is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.

Episode 25: Evan Ginzburg

Hello, wrestling fans! It’s time for Episode #25 of Shut Up and Wrestle, with Brian R. Solomon!

For this special 25th episode, my guest is writer/producer/director/host/superfan Evan Ginzburg!

Evan might be best known as the associate producer of Darren Aronofsky’s The Wrestler, but he’s also been passionate about the wrestling business since discovering the WWWF as a kid in the early ’70s, and we talk about it all!

Two opinionated New Yorkers sharing their outspoken opinions this week on the 25th edition of Shut Up and Wrestle!

Shut Up and Wrestle is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.

Episode 24: Bradley Craig

Hello, wrestling fans! It’s time for Episode #24 of Shut Up and Wrestle, with Brian R. Solomon!

This week, my guest is UK wrestling historian Bradley Craig!

Brad is the man behind the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame for Scotland, and a preserver of Scottish wrestling history in general! Plus, he’s an encyclopedia of general wrestling knowledge and a fellow devoted early ’90s WCW disciple!

You take the high road, and I’ll take the low road… and both lead to this week’s Shut Up and Wrestle!

Shut Up and Wrestle is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.

Episode 23: Craig Peters

Hello, wrestling fans! It’s time for Episode #23 of Shut Up and Wrestle, with Brian R. Solomon!

This week, my guest is the legendary Pro Wrestling Illustrated editor and photographer Craig Peters!

Craig was witness to so much history, from shooting the iconic image of Jimmy Snuka on top of the cage at MSG, to being in the hotel room with Andy Kaufman and Jerry Lawler before their Letterman appearance, and much more!

Take a look through the historic lens of Craig Peters this week on Shut Up and Wrestle!

Shut Up and Wrestle is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.