Tag Archives: Lou DiPietro

Episode 153: Lou DiPietro

Hello, wrestling fans! It’s time for Episode #153 of Shut Up and Wrestle, with Brian R. Solomon!

This week, Brian welcomes his former WWE colleague Lou DiPietro to the show!

Lou has worn many hats for WWE over the years, but some of the most fascinating stuff he worked on took place in the early years of the WWE Network. If you’ve ever wondered how and why things got uploaded, this is an interesting look at the inner workings of the home of so much classic wrestling footage.

Plus there’s lots of talk on what made ’80s wrestling great, the importance of music, and why The Wrestling Album is STILL a classic.

Shut Up and Wrestle is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.

Episode 114: WWE Employee Roundtable

Hello, wrestling fans! It’s time for Episode #114 of Shut Up and Wrestle, with Brian R. Solomon!

In honor of WrestleMania week, and in light of recent discussions of WWE corporate culture, Brian has put together a roundtable of former WWE employees.

Brian and his guests, former head of security Jimmy Noonan, former creative director Deb Jaswaye, and former WWE.com web editor Lou DiPietro, engage in a frank, nuanced discussion of what it was like to work inside the WWE machine.

It’s a complex, in-depth discussion and an emotional rollercoaster you won’t want to miss.

Shut Up and Wrestle is a production of the Arcadian Vanguard Podcast Network.